
Koper's main sight of interest is the Venetian-era old city, which is in much worse shape than that of Piran, but hence also feels more real. Repairs and restoration are slowly under way.

The center of the old city is Tito Square Titov trg, an austere piazza surrounded by slowly crumbling palazzi. From here, the cobbled Čevljarska ulica leads south and Kidričeva ulica leads west to the marina.

Praetorian Palace
Titov trg 3. Dating back to the 15th century and the only fully restored building in the plaza, this is Koper's symbol and it now houses the tourist office with free video show and free tours of the palace including the city council meeting chamber and weddings room.
Cathedral of the Assumption
Titov trg. Undergoing some much-needed renovation.
Titov trg. Climb the bell tower for 2 euros for great views of the city.